Team Leadership Resources
50 Ways to Grow
Decide which strategies will grow you, your organization, people, relationships... and your community.
Why Performance Dialogues Instead of Reviews?
A recent Gallup study shows that one in 10 managers do have the talent/skills to be a great manager. We believe this is in great part because they have not been properly mentored on the key practices required to inspire and engage their teams.
What Team Members Should Share in Self Reviews
A common question we receive by employees is "what should I share in the comments of my review form". Good question!
Ready, Set, Go! An Introduction to Job Matching
The keys to understanding and implementing a unique competitive advantage are to define your organizational goals and expectations and to know your people and support their growth. Integrating these two ideas is a powerful, effective method for increasing efficiency, improving performance beyond your expectations, and as a result retaining your best people.
Learn the Secrets to Great Interview Questions
In his book, The Manager’s Book of Questions: 1,001 Great Interview Questions for Hiring the Right Person, John Kador identifies seven types of questions that serve specific purposes in a job interview:
The Right Skills? The Right Fit? Take the Guesswork Out of Hiring
At Insight, it’s no question what tool yields the most useful assessments: the Kolbe Wisdom™ system. We’ve used Kolbe for over twelve years now because it’s different from the other indexes; it neither seeks to identify personality style (affective) nor to measure intellect (cognitive), either of which the majority of other tools seek to do.
It’s Going to Take Work: Learn How to Develop A Healthy Approach to Dealing with Conflict
Dealing with conflict takes self-awareness, respect, careful listening, honesty, and structured dialog in order to be positively resolved. Disrespect breeds an unhealthy approach conflict.
BLOOM Roles and Goals Make Reviews Relevant
BLOOM® enables Human Resources managers to get rid of the countless spreadsheets they likely use to track information and to instead manage roles -- including descriptions, education and training requirements, and now Key Resource Areas (KRA) -- in a centralized, web-based location. When it comes time for an employee’s review, BLOOM® pulls in the person’s corresponding KRA and other applicable data that their supervisor will rate as appropriate.
Need to Know! Characteristics of Successful Teams
Regardless of whether we’re talking about the Indianapolis Colts or the editorial department of the Indianapolis Star, there are a number of characteristics common to successful teams:
Learn How to Write Effective Role Descriptions
The essential components of an effective role description
Use Index Tools to Guide the Employee Development Process
The Kolbe A, B and C Indexes® provide a holistic understanding of the natural instincts and unique talents of each employee. Understanding these instincts enables you to form synergistic teams and empowers managers to develop effective approaches for successful leadership. Any size company can benefit from the Kolbe Wisdom® system.
Increase Employee Engagement by Setting Simple Goals
Achieving a goal should yield growth, so make sure that each goal you set is attainable, but isn’t such a breeze to accomplish that it requires little to no effort. That means that a goal must be specific, too, so that the employee and the manager have a metric and can clearly see whether it’s been met.

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